
In this episode, Preston and Stig discuss the important chapters from billionaire Warren Buffett’s favorite book, The Intelligent Investor. In this episode, you will learn how to think about investing versus speculation, margin of safety, and intrinsic value. For anyone interested in becoming a value investor, The Intelligent Investor is the most important read on
In this episode, Preston and Stig talk about Billionaire Ray Dalio and other investing wizards. The discussion centers around the book, Hedge Fund Market Wizards by Jack Schwager. The Book studies the top 15 fund managers and profiles their answers to difficult questions and how they approach capital management. IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: –
Here’s a quick tip you shouldn’t ignore with your trades! It is very important to TAKE A BREAK after a huge trade win. Why, you ask? Check this out and avoid doing the same things! Think like a trader — have a trader mentality. #stocktrading #trading #investing #stocks #tradingtips Posted at: ? Newsletter &
Just so you can see when the market is open, and just some other things that go on and happen throughout the day within the markets. What I’ve done over here is just write down the few notes throughout the trading day and trading session. All about Time Frames These are just guidelines in terms
Here you’re going to learn more about the psychology of trading. When it comes to emotions and inner game, it is crucial to recognize specific things that can improve your results. The idea is – being lazy sometimes is okay. I’ll show you how you can have your money to work for you while trading.